
Recipe of Perfect Pumpkin and Water leaf vegetable soup

Recipe of Perfect Pumpkin and Water leaf vegetable soup
Recipe of Perfect Pumpkin and Water leaf vegetable soup

Hey everyone, it’s Clark, welcome to our recipe page. Today I’m gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, Pumpkin and Water leaf vegetable soup. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be smell and look delicious.

Pumpkin and Water leaf vegetable soup Recipe. Hello friends, showing you how I prepare vegetable soup using pumpkin leaf and water leaf ( Nigerian style edikang Ikon). Please subscribe to it also thumbs.

You can have Pumpkin and Water leaf vegetable soup using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Pumpkin and Water leaf vegetable soup

  1. Prepare leaf of Pumpkin.
  2. It’s leaf of Water.
  3. You need 1 of cooking spoon palm oil.
  4. You need 2 of medium sized Titus fish.
  5. It’s 2 of seasoning cubes.
  6. You need 2 tablespoons of crayfish.
  7. Prepare 1 tablespoon of black pepper.
  8. It’s 1/2 tablespoons of grounded nutmeg.
  9. Make ready 1 of medium sized onions.
  10. You need to taste of Salt.

This soup is very nutritious, but at the same time, it is easily and quickly absorbed and improves digestions.Spices with seasoning cubes, add salt, and then a cup of water.Wash your sliced pumpkin leaf and set aside.I like fresh thyme, because it requires the least amount of prep — just strip the leaves from the stems and throw the whole leaves into the soup.

Pumpkin and Water leaf vegetable soup instructions

  1. Slice and water leaf in lots of water seive and put in a clean pot. Add palm oil and put on low heat to cook.
  2. Slice and wash pumpkin leaf with lots of water and set aside. Slice fish and wash thoroughly. Slice onions and set aside as well..
  3. Check water leaf to ensure its properly cooked and that there is minimal water. Stir carefully..
  4. Add washed pumpkin leaf onions seasoning, crayfish, fish, nutmeg, black pepper and allow to boil on low heat for an additional five minutes..
  5. Add salt to taste. Stir carefully and leave to simmer for one minute. Food is ready to be served. Serve with swallow of your choice or eat alone..

Nigerian soups are just soooo yummy!Here's one that I never get tired of cooking or eating.The main ingredients are Ugwu (pumpkin) leaves and Finally add the shredded ugwu pumpkin leaves and waterleaf, mix in properly.

This easy soup is made with pumpkin puree, chicken stock, onion, and fresh herbs.Cream is stirred in at the end for added richness.Heat stock, salt, pumpkin, onion, thyme, garlic, and peppercorns.This pumpkin soup recipe is without cream, so it's great if you're looking for something a bit lighter.I toyed with not puréeing the soup, but I like the I'm really loving silky puréed vegetable soups lately, I have to say.