Ground beef

Step-by-Step Guide to Cook Perfect Lazy Day Cabbage Roll Casserole

Step-by-Step Guide to Cook Perfect Lazy Day Cabbage Roll Casserole
Step-by-Step Guide to Cook Perfect Lazy Day Cabbage Roll Casserole

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site. Today I will show you a way to make a distinctive dish, Lazy Day Cabbage Roll Casserole. This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna really delicious.

Lazy Day Cabbage Roll Casserole Recipe.

You can cook Lazy Day Cabbage Roll Casserole using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Lazy Day Cabbage Roll Casserole

  1. Make ready 2 lb of ground beef.
  2. Take 1 each of medium onion, chopped.
  3. Make ready 1 tbsp of oil.
  4. You need 1 tsp of minced garlic.
  5. You need 2 can of diced tomatoes.
  6. Make ready 1 can of 8 oz tomato sauce.
  7. You need 1 cup of water.
  8. Take 1 head of small cabbage, chopped.
  9. Take 1 tsp of pepper.
  10. You need 1 tsp of salt.

Lazy Day Cabbage Roll Casserole step by step

  1. Brown ground beef and onion with small amount of oil in a deep dish skillet, drain.
  2. Add minced garlic and quickly saute it with the other ingredients.
  3. Add water, diced tomatoes and tomatoes sauce..
  4. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Place chopped cabbage inpan and toss to combine all ingredients.
  6. Cover pan with lid and simmer for 30 minutes or until cabbage is cooked.