
Recipe of Speedy Basic Crepes

Recipe of Speedy Basic Crepes
Recipe of Speedy Basic Crepes

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page. Today I will show you how to make a distinctive dish, Basic Crepes. This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This will be smell and look delicious.

Basic Crepes Recipe. These classic crepes are so much easier to make at home than you think. Crepes are surprisingly easy to make on a whim.

You can have Basic Crepes using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Basic Crepes

  1. It’s 1/2 cup of flour.
  2. Make ready 1 of eggs.
  3. You need 1/4 cup of milk.
  4. Prepare 1/4 cup of water.
  5. It’s 1 tbsp of butter.

Gradually add in the milk and water, stirring to combine.Preparation Whisk eggs and salt in large bowl.This basic crepe recipe is perfect for your favorite crepe fillings and toppings.Before beginning, watch the helpful video tutorial above and read the instructions and recipe notes below.

Basic Crepes step by step

  1. Melt butter, whisk all wet ingredients together..
  2. Slowly add flour to wet mixture, whisking as you go until all is added..
  3. Pour some batter into a lightly oiled pan, tilt to spread it out..
  4. Cook until browned, flip, and repeat..

It can be treated as easy pancakes.Homemade basic crepes are ridiculously easy to make, and difficult to mess up.In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and the eggs.

Here is a basic crepe recipe that I use all of the time.By changing the batter ingredients just sightly, this recipe can be used to make breakfast, dessert and even savory crepes.All you need to do is.You can do SO much with a crepe.This basic crepes recipe is a delicious, versatile French dessert tradition.