
How to Prepare Ultimate Pumpkin soup with spinach

How to Prepare Ultimate Pumpkin soup with spinach
How to Prepare Ultimate Pumpkin soup with spinach

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page. Today I will show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, Pumpkin soup with spinach. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna really delicious.

Pumpkin soup with spinach Recipe. At home we call this Shrek soup, because it's green and it's the only way to trick my son into eating spinach. What makes this soup so unbelievable, and takes it to a whole other galactic level is the bacon.

You can cook Pumpkin soup with spinach using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Pumpkin soup with spinach

  1. Prepare 1/3 of of a medium sized pumpkin.
  2. Prepare of Red pepper.
  3. Prepare of Scotch bonnet.
  4. It’s of Maggie.
  5. Make ready of Salt.
  6. Make ready of Curry.
  7. Take of Dry fish.
  8. It’s of Spinach.
  9. It’s of Onions.
  10. You need of Palm oil.

This is a classic, easy pumpkin soup made with fresh pumpkin that is very fast to make.Thick, creamy and full of flavour, this is THE pumpkin soup recipe you will make now and forever!Don't forget the hot buttered crusty bread for dunking!Home » Vegan Curried Pumpkin Cauliflower Soup with Spinach and Almonds GF.

Pumpkin soup with spinach instructions

  1. Grind the red pepper, scotch bonnet,maggi,salt,curry and onions and stir fry them in a pot using palm oil.
  2. Peel,wash and dice the pumpkin blend it and pour in the pot add in little water and allow to cook for 30mins.
  3. Then add in d spinach and allow to cook for 5secs u r done.

Purée the soup with a stick blender until smooth.Adjust the seasoning and then ladle into serving bowls.Place the spinach leaves in the centre of the bowls, making sure you.

The pumpkin creates a beautiful velvety-textured soup, which goes really well with the crispy skin on the partridge and the crunchy seeds.Plate simply in pasta bowl, by pouring soup no deeper than a centimetre, place the spinach in the middle and partridge crossed over in the centre.In a large pot or dutch oven over medium heat, heat oil.Boil till pumpkin cubes are soft and blend till smooth.Stir in the cream, add salt and pepper to taste.